Reagan Dance Syllabus
Contact the Teachers
Erin Astuto -
Molly Harwell -
1. Meet at the dance room and enter through the double doors. Check in with your teacher prior to dressing out for attendance. Students may dress out in the dressing rooms on the chorus hallway or the bathroom. No dressing out in the studio. Tardies are given if you do not check in with your teacher before the bell rings and/or if you are not in your warm up spot on time. Warm ups begin: (1st Period - 9:00) (2nd Period - 10:35) (3rd Period - 12:10) (4th period - 2:15). When you are done dressing out at the end of the period, come back into the dance room/auditorium until the bell rings.
2. Leave all negative attitudes outside the dance room. CHOOSE KINDNESS. All dancers must have a good attitude about their dancing and others at all times.
3. Dress out appropriately/participate fully each day. We will take breaks for you to grab water. Bring a water bottle every day. No phones are allowed out in the dance room.
4. Communicate with your teacher with any question/problems (the earlier the better) you can send a message on Band App, or email.
5. Be present in class in order to perform in the concert.
6. Attend the dance concerts and all rehearsals.
7. Respect the studio. Keep food and drink out of the room (except water). NO SHOES ARE ALLOWED. Please clean up after yourself.
8. Please use the restroom prior to class starting. Use the smart pass kiosk under the phone to use the restroom if an emergency arises in class.
50% = Daily Participation Grades --
20 points per day (dressing out fully is 5 points, participation in class is 15 points) Dancers receive a grade each class – daily grades are averaged together every two weeks. Students are required to participate at all times.
***Doctor's Notes are required if a student is asking to be excused from any, or all of the movement requirements within dance class. Sitting out without a doctors note is not allowed. PLEASE NOTE: this is a movement based class.
20% = Projects --
You will complete several projects in dance. Projects are based on the class’ level of dance. Some projects will be written and some will be movement based.
20 % = Performance --
Performance includes the concert and when we perform in class.
10% = Written Work --
Written work is anything written by hand, typed, or turned in separately from movement assignments.
If a student is absent and a graded assignment is completed, they have 2 class days to make up the assignment. It is the student's responsibility to make up the assignment. After 2 days, the grade will be entered as a .1. The grade will lose points each week the assignment is turned in late. After two weeks, the grade becomes a zero and cannot be made up.
If a dancer misses the day a GROUP project, or performance is due, he/she will present their performance/project the following day in dance class.
The teacher has the right to drop a student’s grade at any time they do not follow the rules put in place by the Reagan Dance Department.
Dance Collective and Dance Ensemble
-- Students must wear athletic clothing in dance class.
-- examples: t-shirts, tank tops, layered clothing, shorts, leggings, yoga pants, tights and spandex shorts
-- No pajama pants or shorts are allowed. No crop tops are allowed.
-- Clothes should not be excessively baggy.
-- No shoes are required for dance.
-- Teachers strongly suggest wearing clothing to cover shoulders and knees to prevent injury
Dance Company Only
-- Female Students are required to wear a leotard of any style or color with leggings, spandex, or fitted pants in class. This is required Monday-Thursday. *We recommend purchasing at least two leotards (any style or color) and hanging them to dry after washing on the weekends.
-- Failure to wear appropriate clothing is an automatic 5 points off on participation daily
-- FUN FRIDAY: on Fridays, students may wear any clothes they can dance in (athletic clothing as stated above)
*required by August 21st.
Chewing gum is not allowed in the dance studio. Shoes are not allowed in the dance studio - please remove your shoes before entering.
Students will be required to purchase skin-tone dance tights for the concert. We have dance tights for sale through the Reagan Dance Department.
Additional dance clothing/tights resources:
2fierce Dancewear - located on Country Club Rd (there are over 200 styles of leotards ranging from $19.99-$60.00)
Carolina Dancewear - located on New Garden Rd In Greensboro
Discount Dance Supply -
Dancewear Solutions -
OR you may visit any of your local dance studios
By October 4th (1st quarter) or March 3rd (3rd quarter), please inform your teacher if you plan on missing the concert due to family trips/graduations etc. (you will still learn the choreography and participate in class). After this date, choreography will be taught and absences during the concert week will not be excused unless family or medical emergency.
Work, Drivers Ed, and sports are not exceptions to missing the concert/practices. If you are absent several days during learning choreography, the teacher has the right to remove you from the concert. The only exception to missing the concert without prior approval is a family or medical emergency. (IE: death in the family, hospital/DR note).
If you plan on playing sports, it is your responsibility to inform your coaches of the concert dates as soon as you make the team. Once we start dance choreography you will be placed in the dance for a grade. If you are unwilling to communicate with the teachers and coaches - you will be liable for grades being dropped. *If a game is scheduled at the last minute on the same night as a concert. You have the option to choose without penalty on either side. Please communicate with your teacher ASAP if something occurs.
Fall Concert
Monday, December 2nd, 4-6pm FULL DRESS REHEARSAL
Tuesday, December 3rd, 4-6pm FULL DRESS REHEARSAL
Wednesday, December 4th, 4-7:30pm DANCE CONCERT STARTS AT 5:30pm
Thursday, December 5th & Friday, December 6th CONCERT BEGINS AT 7:00pm
Dance Company Concert*
Monday, February 17th, 4-6pm FULL DRESS REHEARSAL
Tuesday, February 18th, 4-6pm FULL DRESS REHEARSAL
Wednesday, February 19th CONCERT STARTS AT 6:00pm
Thursday, February 20th CONCERT STARTS AT 6:00pm
*The Dance Company Concert is performed by Dance Company students. Students may be in one, or both concerts.
Spring Concert
Monday, April 28th, 4-6pm FULL DRESS REHEARSAL
Tuesday, April 29th, 4-6pm FULL DRESS REHEARSAL
Wednesday, April 30th, 4-7:30pm DANCE CONCERT STARTS AT 5:30pm
Thursday, May 1st & Friday, May 2nd CONCERT BEGINS AT 7:00pm
All dance students are asked to pay a $10 dance fee. All money goes to the Dance Department at Reagan to purchase instructional materials. (the costumes used each semester per student ranges from $50-$500) Please pay by the second week of classes. *If your student is enrolled in multiple dance classes, they are only required to pay one dance fee, once a year. This payment is available on membership toolkit. (Checks made payable to Reagan High School Dance Boosters)
We will be using the Band App as our communication tool this year. It is very similar to remind101 - but even better! This app is approved by the school system. It is easier for arts classes to use this app due to its ability to share video files and calendar updates.
Harwell 1st A Day Company -
We value communication so much with students and with parents. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns - the earlier or the better! We're so excited to dance with you this year!